
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Long Gone

“I can keep going all night,”
He whispered in my ear as I giggled, not wanting to believe
But it was so insanely different
I didn't care
The smell of each other, together
The aroma of the candles and our bodies touching carefully as to not disturb one
Another's uncomfortable senses
We never did
But we didn't need to
Flaming lights on the walls holding us safely within the room we shared
Naked we lay, trembling inside
Never showing outside the full potential of eroticism we held
Never wanting to scare away our prey
Awaiting patiently, telling stories
Stories never told
The ones you hold deep inside
Just as we both held on tightly
A first time hug of a long time, far away departures loved one, not letting go
Not wanting to ever
Hoping the moment would last forever, as it felt
It would
Starring into souls, never wanting to
Let go
Where did this come from?
No falling asleep
Only waking up from what is thought of as a dream
The pink rose petals rain down softly, gently touching skin
The bright sparkles of lit candles
Don't close your eyes, don't do it
She did, so did he
And once their eyes opened, they both were
Back in their own offices on opposite sides of the world
The phone is ringing
At the desk, where you left him for.